The CDC originally funded HealthLink Wellness as a program committed to a measurable reduction to the risk of chronic disease. The strategy was to develop partnerships that engage the individual through social networking in conjunction with their primary care physician. The HealthLink Wellness program was originally funded to promote the health of our nation’s seniors. Essential to the health communication process was the use of scientifically derived outcome measures as a means of monitoring both at the individual and total group health status and to provide valuable feedback. Some of our results with retiree groups:
o Reduce hypertension from 61% to 37%
o Increase normal blood glucose from 51% to 71%
o Increase normal Total Cholesterol from 48% to 70%
There were two innovations developed by HealthLink experts that greatly enhance the individual’s ability to control their health. The Framingham Heart Study, American College of Cardiologists and American Heart Association developed and promoted a coronary heart disease risk estimate that is considered the gold standard. HealthLink developed modifications that to make it more understandable to the lay public. Two innovations are the Risk Profile Index and Wellness-Comorbidity Matrix. Both are designed to make it practical for Individuals to use scientific research-based methods in monitoring their personal health.